Gurdjieff / Fourth Way School in Dominican Republic
Sociedad Hispanoamericana para la Educación continuada (SOHEC)
The HISPANO AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CONTINUOUS EDUCATION is a nonprofit organization founded upon the principles of a ‘Fourth Way School’. The Society was incorporated- in the Dominican Republic with the presidential decree No. 413-89 on October 16th, 1989. The task of the society will be to create an integrated organization; the members of which will be committed to self-perfecting and service to Society, Nature and their fellow-men.
The term ‘Fourth Way School’, was used by Gurdjieff to distinguish the type of society we are creating.
A Fourth Way school exists solely to carry out an allotted task and to train people for the purpose of transformation.
With this purpose the Society supports the following:
-To establish schools which puts in practice the ideas of the Fourth Way.
-To achieve unity of purpose and harmony among people of different cultural and religious background.
-To promote the study of methods and teachings of G.I.Gurdjieff.
-To promote the study of human beings and its possible evolution.
-To help spread to all humanity the ideas of Transformation “The Work” as transmitted by G.I. Gurdjieff and J.G.Bennett.
-To remain open to the idea that The Work does not belong to any organization or person – it belongs to Humanity.
Our non profit society (SOHEC) owns a property, which is 50 minutes from the City of Santo Domingo. It has 189,000 Mt2 (48 Acres), a beautiful main river that crosses the property, “El Sumbador” , which means Humming bird, and a small river that springs on the hills of the same Land; both rivers are clean fresh water that runs all year round.
This Place in the Dominican Republic is called PIEDRA BLANCA (White Stone) , because in this area, and on the propriety itself, you can find white –beautiful quarts stones.
The main focus of the community project is the vision to create better conditions to Work together with members of the local groups and international community of the Gurdjieff Work, it is also our aim to help and develop several environmental and ecological projects in this area by education and training sustainable living, environmental education, farming, and multicultural understanding.